Holy Money is a 6 Week 1:1 Program

In this 6 week’s program, I want to teach you how to go on a sacred journey with your money and experience deep money cleanse so that you are releasing yourself from all of the inner programs and beliefs you have about money and finally experience the true frequency of money that you are fully deserving of.
This 6 weeks program is for women who are ready to consecrate their lives in a new money frequency, heal their money consciousness, change their money life forever, and NEVER stop until they see money pouring into their lives in the physical reality.

 Here’s what we will cover during the 6-week holy money program: 

Week 1

Money Detox – Release the unconscious curse, shadows, and blocks around money so that you are energetically free to create with sacred money in your life.

Week 2

Money Sanctuary – Create an inner sanctuary and the place where God dwells as the living abundant principle in your life so that you are always experiencing overflow.

Week 3

Money Portal – Enter into a new money portal where you are mastering having money on a new timeline and access the organic money tree of life to activate your new financial sovereignty.

Week 4

Future Money – Create from a future version of yourself with the future writing and future money practice that helps you bring unlimited money in your present reality from the future version of yourself.

Week 5

Money Commandment – Learn the secret code to command money to show up in your life now. Do this on a daily basis and see money do what you tell it to do.

Week 6

Money Dominion – Create the frequency of multidimensional money provision and have dominion over money and in all areas of your life.

This journey requires supreme sacred devotion and creating with the new energy of money.
All who enter are deeply committed to sacred money and their divine compensation.

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