EVERYTHING you’ve ever wanted of true royal authority and spiritual power…begins on your knees, and this isn’t moving into “surrender” – it’s the DEEP dive chosen path of sacred devotion and submission to the holy one, the chambers, the royal favor, the holies of holies, into the inner courts where you are now moving from a certain form of power that comes from the Godhead and from holy triune consciousness.

ANYTHING….one tries to get that is NOT from the space of bended knees will not last or hold the power they truly want it to have…. because it has NO power to hold, ground, anchor, it isn’t creating with the multidimensional consciousness, it is STOLEN and not truly GIVEN from true deep holy submission to the KING, in in the throne room, from not having met the LIVING one

not having giving the self over to the veil,

not having yet truly captured the power of BEING

not having yet secure true throne power,

not having yet have the soul move into the merge,

not having yet carried the seed of God

in the womb and allow for the power of penetration

to move it into the places where it can truly LIVE.

If you’ve looked over your life and see a cycle

of suffering over giving up your deepest self to “the other”

to the mortal, throwing yourself and begging, crawling on your belly and scrubbing the castle floors, aching and mourning in your heart and soul, feeling lost and completely crushed in your being…

If when you look at your money it’s filled with leaks and holes, there is no manna coming from heaven, no throne power in it…you are always left begging for bread…

If when you look at your relationship with men,

your ability to command in your life, your ability to manifest,

your ability to live in your mission and carry your medicine,

and you see it as barren, dried up, lack, disappointing,

you’re addicted to the struggle, the anxiety, the brokenness, you tell the same story within the self over and over again how you aren’t worthy of carrying the anointing to create, how you’re not enough, how you’re not lovable…and you are not creating with yourself ON YOUR KNEES ready to STEP into the great magic and oil of GOD

to bathe you in all of what you know you are called to be…

Let the KING of glory come into your life NOW.

-Nicole Gayle

Call in the King in ALL areas of your life with the deepest devotion to the King’s energy showing up on ALL realms.

Join me and Rion Kati for my upcoming Calling In The King Virtual Temple and descend into your sacred holy submission, on your knees, heal your relationship to the masculine and call the KING of glory in all areas of your life.


Here’s what we will be covering each week plus zoom live temple calls:

Week 1: Descending into the Dark Goddess
Week 2: Deleting the Dark False God
Week 3: Rising from the ascension matrix
Week 4: Raising the hero and the hieros gamos template
Week 5: Anchoring the Multidimensional Masculine
Week 6: Descending the King of Glory

It’s time to see the masculine show up in ALL areas of your life, including men, money, manifesting, business, career, mission and GOD.

Our virtual temple starts January 14th.